Welcome to MG Friends, the exclusive loyalty program for agents with access to the MG Bedbank booking platform. Earn points for every reservation made through MG Bedbank and unlock incredible rewards. Our program offers a variety of exciting features designed to elevate your agent experience.Stay up-to-date on important updates with push notification features. Receive timely notifications about exclusive deals, new promotions, and important announcements. Access valuable MG event information directly on the application. Stay informed about upcoming events related to your business, set reminders, and never miss a valuable networking opportunity.Every room booking brings you closer to exciting rewards. Accumulate pointswith each booking and redeem them for a variety of special rewards.Effortlessly track your transactions within the platform. Access a detailed overview of your past bookings, including dates, booking IDs, and point earned.MGF combines all these features into one convenient platform, providing youwith a seamless and streamlined experience. Access push notifications, MG event and promo information, point collection, rewards redemption, and yourtransaction history all in one place.